Sunday, March 23, 2014

Why Are Fractions so Hard?

Why are fractions so hard?  Why are fractions so scary?  Why are fractions so difficult?  The following is my opinion and I am sure there are other components for some people.

We spend a lot of time teaching a child to count and count in the 1, 2, 3, 4, type order.
Often we do this without even realizing we are teaching.  We teach which number is  bigger.  We say things like, "You are big enough or smart enough to know 6 is bigger than 5."

Since we know 8 is larger than 7 it would appear that 1/8 should be larger than 1/7.   When fractions are taught using fraction pieces and the student realizes fractions are pieces instead of wholes, fractions can become their friend.

Next fractions have many different rules.

1.  When adding or subtracting fractions the bottom, (denominator) number stays the same. Then you teach addition and subtracting fractions with different denominators. At this point there is often confusion.

2.  However when you multiply fractions the top number is multiplied by the top number and the bottom number is also multiplied by the other bottom number.

3. To divide a fraction is easy as pie, just flip one over and multiply.

Fractions are one of my favorite things to tutor. Fractions are very important in our lives.
In the next few posts, I will share  what I use to teach fractions. My husband calls them frictions because some people think they cause so much friction in their lives.

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