I homeschool a grandson who struggles in school. Yesterday, he appeared to be goofing off. He truly does goof off much of the time. This developed in formal school when he fell behind because of diagnosed dyslexia. This has gotten better as we are working with Dyslexia Education Association of R's (DEAR) to overcome the Dyslexia. Now we are working on regaining his love of learning.
I had presented the fractions and thought he understood what I taught. He was playing with the fraction manipulative. I encourage this. What I did not realize; was that he did not know how to use them. Today we switched to using money as manipulative. He understands the fraction concept of converting fractions to the same denominator in order to add them. Tomorrow we will work on this again as by tomorrow he may not remember them. This may take us a week or two or six. Tomorrow we will use the money and the fraction manipulative to see if he can transfer money to other manipulative.
Yesterday, I grew impatient because I missed that he did not understand what I had taught. Just because I taught it did not mean he learned or understood it.
You're so right, Janie! Sometimes, we teach things and people don't always learn or understand them. Keep at it! Encouragement and repetition are always good tools to help them learn!