Monday, March 24, 2014

My first fraction tools for beginning fractions

 Often parents do not realize they are welcome in stores they think are for teachers only.   Some of these in Tulsa are Mardel's,  The Apple Tree Inc at 7204 E 41st St, The Learning Shop at 116 S Yale Ave. and others.  A used educational bookstore is BiblioMania at 21 and 129th.

The first fraction tiles or tools I use are about 10 dollars new and they are called fraction circles.  They have a set with one whole circle, two halves, three thirds, 4 fourths, 5 fifths and 6 sixths.  I have several sets as I often need several to illustrate a mixed fraction number.  They can be plastic or foam.  I let young students play with them.

Usually parents will tell their children not to play with them. I want them to play with them because they learn while playing. I let preschoolers play with them because then they will like fractional parts.

Let them see which ones can divide evenly and which one do not divide evenly.  They can also see which pieces are bigger than the other pieces.  I am constantly reminding them that it takes all the 5th pieces to make a whole.  All the 4th pieces to make a whole and so on.

When students are familiar with the pieces it is easier to add and subtract fractions.  It is also easier to understand how to add 1/4 to 1/2 and on and on.

I will describe the next fraction tool tomorrow.

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