Thursday, April 3, 2014

We will do math if you wil read to us

I was visiting with a friend today. She was telling about homeschooling, yesterday.  She has been reading a chapter or two a day to her children.  The book is thick and has taken a while to read.  They had 6 chapters to finish the book. Mom read a chapter and put the book away.  The children kept asking her to read more.   Finally, she said if she kept reading they were going to need to do two extra math lessons for the day.  The older child said they would do 3 math lessons and the other child said they would do 4, if she would just read the rest of the book.
The book is finished and the math lessons are ahead.  When Dad came home the children told him that Mom had made them do 4 math lessons that day.  Mom laughed and said her point of view was that the children had made her read 6 long chapters of a book.  It is exciting to see children enjoy a book.
I wish, I had been sharp enough to trade something I wanted my children to do for extra reading.
The extra math and reading took most of the day and was not done all at one time.

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